Men's and Women's
Roles in the Church

We teach on the complementarian view of women and men’s role within the church, that is, God gives different callings to men and women in the church and they complement each other.  God places equal importance on men’s and women’s ministry.

In this, God designed men to lead the church and their own families (1 Timothy 2:8-15).  God also laid this out clearly in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, speaking regarding the qualifications men must meet in order to be in pastoral position.  These men demonstrate that they can lead God’s church well through showing that they can lead themselves and their own families well.  The role of these men consist of preaching, casting vision, and instructing the whole church.  Though the Lord designed the pastoral role to be held by men, this does not mean the pastors function apart from the help and input of the congregation (including women and women leaders).  He listens to them, follows their advice.  However, when it comes to leading, he takes the helm.  He takes the responsibility of servant leadership.
In all, both women leaders and men leaders are called to submit to the direction set and determined by the church.