Our Values

Believe in Christ

It is our goal to believe and rest in God’s grace and mercy in the gospel.  God had saved us and born our sins.  Therefore, we are called to give all of our concerns and burdens to Him and rest in the very fact that He will provide and give us all things which are necessary for us (Romans 8:28).

Follow Christ

It is our goal to follow Christ.  It takes steps of faith to do so.  Whether be in service to God, or our fight for personal holiness, we are to never stand still in our pursuit of God, but rather to continue to seek after Him and His will for our lives (Mark 8:34).  

Worship Christ

Lastly, we seek to enjoy Christ.  The goal of Christian faith is to enjoy God.  He made us, and we are made to be satisfied in Him.   Therefore, we will do all things from the heart of worship (Psalm 16:11).